Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Journey With God and Acne: A Personal Testimony (Part Three)

That summer of 2012 I broke down and admitted I couldn’t go on in life without Jesus Christ. I stopped some of my sinful habits, which were giving Satan a foothold in my life and started spending time with the Lord. Right after starting to do this, I suffered the worst series of panic attacks I had ever experienced in my life that left me fighting to breathe. Part of me wanted to give up, but God spoke to me and told me that the panic attacks were from Satan and that I had to keep fighting. So I kept at it. Around this time, I went to stay with my uncle out of state for the summer holiday. Since he had to work during the day, and had to use the only car, I had the days to myself and had plenty of time on my hands. I decided to use it wisely and started to delve even deeper into my walk with God. I spoke scripture over my life and mind, read the Bible and bound the various demonic spirits that were afflicting me with doubt, worry, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts, among others. After a few days of doing this, an overwhelming sense of peace and joy swept over me. All anxiety left me and I don’t think I had ever been more at peace in my entire life. Not only that, I could now touch my face and let other things touch it with absolutely no anxiety. I knew I had found the answer to my problems. For the next 5 months, I got even closer to the Lord and strived to hear his voice. I continued to be anxiety free. And even though I have had setbacks in the past few months with some of my addictions, I now feel I’m back on the path of God’s will. Through my faith in Jesus Christ, I believe that someday I will see a complete removal of these breakouts. Despite it being a daily battle of spiritual warfare, I am finally enjoying life once again now that I am free of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts thanks to Jesus Christ. My self-esteem is no longer tied into my appearance and I am finally moving forward. Through my faith in Jesus Christ, I believe that someday I will be healed so I can see a complete removal of these breakouts and enjoy the kind of skin God intends for me to have!  I believe God is calling me to get my masters in professional counseling so I can specialize in Christian counseling. I want to help people who are struggling through life like I was and help them find the love of Jesus Christ and his miraculous healing powers, both of the mind, spirit and body. I want to show them his goodness and his ability to break any kind of bondage they are experiencing. If he broke the heavy bonds that acne had me tied up in, then he can help you too. If you’re suffering from a skin condition and feel like there’s no hope, I implore you to give it all up to God. Turn all your hurt, embarrassment, shame, hopelessness, and grief over to him because he does care about your skin. You may feel like he doesn’t care about something like your acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc., but that is a lie Satan is telling you to make you feel alone. Jesus cares abouteverything you are going though. I encourage you to think about how and why God is using a skin condition in your life (Remember, God is NOT the source of illness, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use illness as a vehicle for spiritual growth in you). Could He be trying to get you to travel down a different path in life, to turn away from sin, and is using this as a wake up call? Could He be teaching you the importance of faith and trust in him for your healing? Could He be teaching you patience? Could He be asking you to finally surrender your “fight” to improve your skin and totally depend on Him for your healing rather than depending on your own power? Could he be trying to get you to stop idolizing and living for your skin (this is known as idolatry, which is a grave sin where you place more importance on something than you do God)? Or could He simply be using your skin condition to draw you closer to him? There could be any number of reasons why he allowed you to go through this ordeal. To this day, I am finding new reasons why God has let me suffer from acne, and although I would never want to go though it all again, I am so grateful I did go through it because I am such a better, more mature person because of it. I shudder when I think about where I would be today if God had allowed my skin to stay clear. I am so much closer to God and so excited to see where He takes me. It has been my pleasure sharing my testimony with you and I know you were led to this site by God so He can start to do wonderful things in your life. I know that with God, peace, joy and abundance lay in your future! Please email me if you want to talk more! May God bless you!!!!


  1. Hello Jamison, I really need your help cuz I'm struggling with this bad thing called acne and I almost lost all my hope.

  2. Hi Jamison,

    Thank you so much for your post. I am suffering from moderately severe scarring acne that leaves many dark marks on my face as I am of mixed race heritage. I've only started seeing a dermatologist recently as it bothering me more and more.
    I started doing modeling part time and tomorrow I have a big shoot that means a lot to me. So I did loads of things to try to clear and improve my skin condition, it helped but I know only God would heal it completely. Then, I found your godly inspired post about healing acne. I loved the open questions you wrote about why would God allow us to go through this ordeal. The question about learning us to stop comparing us to others really speak to me... A year ago, a Christian friend had a revelation from God to me saying that I should stop doing this, and I kept doing it by having negative thoughts about myself. Now I just realized it can be linked to my acne, I really want to work on it as much as possible.
    I pray that God will give me a sample for my shoot tomorrow and give me the strength on this journey.
    Thank you!

  3. Your testimony is truly amazing and has brought me to tears! (Dont worry its tears of joy) I too once believed that god did not care about something as little as acne but now I have realized that regardless of how insignificant you may feel the situation, god is always there with you to help guide you along your journey or struggles. God is always faithful and always good so why is it so hard for me to put my faith in him? Nothing is impossible for god! Thank you once again for your inspiring post!

  4. Great post thanks Jamison and may God heal you in Jesus name. When you're younger its easier to think beautifully how you do. After 17 years of acne, having thought like you, having experienced quite serious life affects of it, I had some other physical injuries healed. Praise God! Amazing! I t helps to reason why God allows things and God can make good out of bad however Jesus never once said 'no you must suffer this illness as I am teaching you something'. GOD'S way is love, it's not his will I've suffered so much. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I'm going for healing my acne. I'm at a different place in my healing journey where I see I don't have to be a martyr because Jesus paid for it. Some good points there re skin being an idol which I must think about so thank you. You would be great at counselling, God bless you hope it goes well x

  5. Great post thanks Jamison and may God heal you in Jesus name. When you're younger its easier to think beautifully how you do. After 17 years of acne, having thought like you, having experienced quite serious life affects of it, I had some other physical injuries healed. Praise God! Amazing! I t helps to reason why God allows things and God can make good out of bad however Jesus never once said 'no you must suffer this illness as I am teaching you something'. GOD'S way is love, it's not his will I've suffered so much. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I'm going for healing my acne. I'm at a different place in my healing journey where I see I don't have to be a martyr because Jesus paid for it. Some good points there re skin being an idol which I must think about so thank you. You would be great at counselling, God bless you hope it goes well x

  6. Praise God!! 😀 God surely led me to this site!!

  7. As I lay in bed stressing about my acne I got this revelation that this is something I can ask God to heal. It's sad that I didn't believe it would work and had to look it up online...when we serve an almighty God. Thank you for the encouragement. Your testimony truly is a blessing!

  8. First You got a great blog .I will be interested in more similar topics. i see you got really very useful topics, i will be always checking your blog thanks.
    acne treatment

  9. I know God can heal my skin. Thank you for sharing your testimony! It brought me to tears , I am a female and I suffer from facial hair growth in addition to acne! It is so embarrassing to walk around with a beard every time I look in the mirror I get discouraged it looks terrible the 5 o clock shadow makes me feel manly less than a woman. I have to wear makeup to cover it but now the hair bumps are so severe I avoid the mirror. Im just gonna take some of your advice and trust God to stop this facial hair my face and the unwanted hair growth on my chest and on my back it's ruining my self esteem when I take off the make up ( I only use it on the beard area) . I just know that I can use this as a testimony the blood that Jesus shed in that cross is too precious for me not to be healed in Jesus name it's finished.

  10. I really thank God for this site

  11. Wow am truly amazed,sometimes we need others testimony to know that God is at work.May God heal and deliver as from this issues,may we focus on Him and His Love in our lives

  12. I know that God can heal my skin 🙏 'cause I know that he is a great healer. I believe in him. God can heal me, not now, but soon 🙏 I always pray to him and asking him for help. Thank you for your great testimony💕 I'm so inspired to pray and pray to God 😍☝️

  13. Thank You for this.. God Bless you
